A Bouquet Forever Bracelet


The ‘Bouquet Forever’ pendant is the jeweller answer to gifting flowers to loved ones on special occasions. Created with sumptuous pearls and birthstones by Designer and Maker Barbara Hall, this pendant is handmade to order and unique for each wearer. This pendants is created to be heirlooms of tomorrow as it seeks to commemorate and celebrates life special events. When worn it conveys its unique meaningfulness yet adds elegance, style and timeless fashion. Like flowers, the ‘Bouquet Forever’ pendant will impact long after a gift is given reminding the wearer of love, warmth and remembrance when worn.

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The ‘Bouquet Forever’ pendant Bracelet is Barbara’s interpretation of gifting flowers to mark special occasions, this is created with sumptuous pearls and birthstones.

Jewellery Designer and Maker Barbara Hall captures a bouquet of flowers with ‘cornflake’ pearls arranged delicately into the form of blooms. Each ‘Forever Bouquet’ necklace is handmade to order, unique, bespoke and customized. Following the arrangement of pearls, Barbara then adds in the selected birthstone or the birthstone of those loved by the wearer making this handmade pendant a personal, intimate and special gift.
At Checkout please state the Months which you require the Birthstones for.

Your ‘Bouquet Forever’ pendants is created to be heirlooms of tomorrow with mothers passing their ‘Bouquet Forever’ on to daughters, with sisters seeking similar pendants to celebrate family milestones and occasions. Pearls lend themselves to the timeless elegant and can move stylishly from generation to generation as the wearer celebrates occasions, like the birth of a child, a graduation and milestone birthday.

For over 20 years Barbara Hall’s jewellery is a gift to self and to others, to mark a special occasion, is cherished by the recipient, a symbol of love and care yet also a piece of elegant timeless jewellery.

Handmade in her Cork studio, Barbara reflects of the beauty of jewellery and how it adds to a women’s style and fashion sense. Like the visual effect of flowers, her pendant will impact long after the gift is given, this elegant jewellery will remind the wearer of their special occasion, add a splash of love, warmth and remembrance when worn in the everyday.

Additional information

Bracelet Length

7.5 in (19.05cm)

Clasp Type

Sterling Silver Clasp


Cream, White

Pearl Type

Keshi or Cornflake Real Pearl

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